Priority Club

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your nearest and dearest to join the Priority Club of Formby GP.

Benefits of membership include:

  • Guaranteed offer of an appointment within one week (provided all of our GPs are not on leave), or we will refund your subscription for the year
  • Half price text consultations
  • Free prescriptions (dispensing charges will still apply)

Please note that we reserve the right not to accept a particular application for any reason. You have the right to cancel your subscription within 14 days. If you book an appointment within 14 days, you forfeit the right to cancel. If you cancel your membership after 14 days or after booking an appointment, whichever is sooner, and before the end of your subscription period, you will not be entitled to a refund of your subscription.

We reserve the right to cancel your membership at any time. If we do, we will refund your subscription pro rata according to how many complete months remain in your subscription year.